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Family Constellations

Free yourself from the unwanted patterns, behaviors and issues that you haven’t been able to resolve - in depth, in privacy.

Offered online via Zoom or in person

A Family Constellation is a powerful methodology which reveals the unseen and hidden forces in your family system - relationships, entanglements and connections between parts of the system that we normally wouldn’t be aware of because they’d remain unconscious.

In an individual session, you can look at the problem that is most pressing in your life right now. We’ll use figurines to represent certain members of your family system or aspects of the issue. You’ll place them according to your intuition, creating an image of your Family Soul. This allows us to see the dynamics at play and begin to resolve them, creating healing, resolution and a newfound sense of freedom for you.

If you’d like to experience Constellations in a group setting, please join an upcoming Healing Circle.

“It's hard to believe that just one session could make such a massive impact,
but that issue was affecting pretty much every aspect of my life.

The fact that we were essentially able to unwind it in one session is completely amazing.
Thank you again for this deep work.”

- Seneca in Nice, France

Session details

Sessions take 1.5 to 2 hours via Zoom.

When you book, you’ll receive a link to an in-depth family history questionnaire. It requires time and space to fill out since it addresses personal and family trauma. Please allow yourself the space for this. The questionnaire is due 48 hours prior to your session.

I’ll review the questionnaire before we meet, connecting with the energy of your family system and the problem you’d like to look at. That way, we can focus our time together on working through the issue.

Please note that we don’t talk a lot about your issue. This work focuses on the subconscious and supporting you to get out of the stories you tell yourself.

Three-Session Package

Constellations can be an ongoing resource for you to address various issues and layers of healing. If you have a series of issues you’d like to explore over 6 months, or if you’ve already done a constellation with me and would like to address the next layer of the issue you explored, you can take advantage of a package of 3 sessions at a 10% savings.

Your constellations sessions will build upon each other. To both allow for spaciousness and to create continuity in our work together, sessions 2 and 3 must be scheduled within 6 months of the first session.

Simply book and pay for your first session of the package below at the regular single session rate. Email me prior to your session to let me know you’re booking the 3-session package, and I’ll invoice you for the balance.

Please note: If a refund is requested on unused sessions, it will be made based on the full cost of a single session plus a $25 refund processing fee.


If you’d like to connect prior to booking a constellation, email me or schedule a free 30-minute consultation call. The call is an opportunity to share what issue you might like to address and to meet me, ask questions and determine if we’re a good fit.

Private Session: $259
Package of three: $699

Taos residents, email me for local rates & in-person sessions.

Book a private constellation here: